Apocalypse of the Psychopaths (JdN goes on radio again tonight!) [ To: John_de_Nugent | Post 296429591, reply to 296428464 ] (Score: 1) John de Nugent interviewed:
"The Bear Has Spoken: Mother Russia Thwarts the Israelis and the Bushies
in jubilant, liberated Ossetia and Abkhazia."
The prime minister of Russia
7:00-7:45 pm EDT (New York, Boston, Atlanta), 6-6:45 Chicago/New Orleans/, 4-4:45 California/Pacific.
While I am finishing "The Book," I have briefly suspended my own radio show on (here are my previous shows:
I appeared tonight as a guest for 45 minutes on the Peter Schaenk show on Voice of Reason radio network, which is run by some highly dedicated, skilled white friends and comrades.
If you miss tonight's "Peter Schaenk Show" (recorded live), you can get it from the archives. Look for the 8/19/08 Peter Schaenk show.
The Peter Schaenk show is on EVERY weeknight (Monday-Friday) from 7-9 pm, East coast time.
One of our white brothers over in Europe proudly sent me this photo of a statue glorifying "Winnie," from Paris in April 1999.
Note the hands. This IS how this warmonger finally will be remembered. And other men and women will be honored by statues in his place.
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