Here is a series of three posts, and above and beyond my discussion of the Strom issue, or rather crisis -- the Jews love to pin "sicko" on us -- I deal with comradeship and with character defamation. It ends with an important exhortation.
A good comrade wrote me:
Mr. de Nugent, I want you to know that I have all the respect in the world for you, not only as a fearless defender of our people but also as a man in general. Perhaps you weren't aware of this, but Strom has openly admitted in both an audiotaped confession and a signed and notarized document that he has a predilection for underaged girls. I can't give you exact quotes, but both files are on the net and the contents therein speak for themselves: Kevin Strom is a pedophile. He wasn't "set up" by his wife. Maybe he hasn't physically molested any kids (yet), but I sure as hell don't want him anywhere near my daughters, and he has no business serving as a spokesman for our beleaguered race. |
Dear comrade Myles,
Thank you for your praise. I hope to
continue to earn your esteem, and I appreciate your efforts to keep me informed.
Actually, I have been highly aware of all the charges against Kevin Strom. I knew him for three years -- before I lost touch in 1984 -- as a comrade who spoke and wrote well, and I have been friends with some excellent comrades who, believe it or not, have stayed friends with him. (I remember the deep affection Dr. Pierce had for Strom back in the 1980s.)
I also am one of the few who wrote Strom in prison, saying I hoped he was innocent and that he could also prove it -- and that whatever the truth, he had done some very fine work for our Cause.
Anyone who knows Storm knows he is not a mushy guy, but he wrote me back a very heartfelt letter of appreciation from his isolation cell in jail, and capitalized and underlined the following: "I appreciate
VERY MUCH your letter." He wrote that he was being held in a 5' x 8' cell, alone, for over nine months.
Whatever Strom's guilt, and I think there is some, the man has been in hell.
Let me say three things:
1) I don't think he ever acted on these impulses;
2) as a survivor myself of molestation, I think Kevin has something in his own childhood that causes me to feel some level of compassion;
3) If you look at the BaconEating Jew's website's they are replete with TOTAL falsehoods against
me. Ingrid Rimland told me of how stunned her husband Ernst Zundel was at the base lies against
his character. And Adolf Hitler -- a man with two Iron Crosses at the front lines in WWI, was called by the Jewsmedia, of all things, a
coward! And both a
homosexual and a
womanizing skirt chaser! A closet
Jew, an
agent of
Mussolini -- and a tool of
Wall Street. I'll give you another example, Bruno Hauptmann, totally railroaded for the murder of Charles Lindbergh's baby because he was a German
immigrant. The likely real murderer, Isidor Fisch, was a Jew. (Ironically, this German Jew fled back to Germany during the investigation -- back to the Third Reich!)
I have a general position: we should be extremely skeptical of any accusations by the Jews and those goyeem under their control and influence.
And most especially we should doubt any MORALS charge against any comrade unless we personally see the proof with our own two eyeballs and can touch, smell or see the evidence.
These Jews and their paid minions LIE,
LIE, LIE! Even a confession, comrade, is not necessarily proof. Witness the confession of Rudolf Höss that he gassed four million Jews at Auschwitz.
I believe that Kevin Strom did some wrong things, certainly in his head; he and I were never friends and many thought there was something "off" about him.
But we must NEVER swallow ZOG's
accusations without seeing the HARD proof.
Morals charges are the Jews' favorite way of railroading us, and that means they could try to railroad everyone on this forum reading these lines.
If they charge us with political heresy, the comrades rally around us. But if one is accused of pedophilia, then comrades distance themselves automatically, and so the Jews will use this more and more and more and more.
Why? Because we are by default SO trusting of authority as northern European-Americans that we tend to always give SOME credence,
automatically and without thinking, to these charges.
In any case, I hope that Kevin Strom, if and when released from his punishment, gets whatever moral and spiritual help he needs. Everyone can redeem himself by coming clean -- to himself, to God, to his friends and to his victims -- if any. As Gautama said: "Ego causes suffering." Humility and repentance are
Christian virtues that even good pagans can see the usefulness of. We need to face the darkness in ourselves. If there is any truth to the Prussian Blue porn image story, that is reprehensible. I have two daughters, and I would be beyond outraged as their mother. I know that she is.
But back to the hard facts of this race war we are in, that the Jews thrust upon us:
It is part of racial, Solutrean solidarity is we do not leap to condemn our comrade on the word of any Jew -- or any brainwashed or
bribed white. Yes, any BRIBED witness.
Any comrade, brother Myles, is
my brother or sister -- until it is PROVEN to me that he is evil.
For literally EVERYTHING that ZOG says is a lie -- or a small half-truth stuck in to sugar-coat a BIG total lie.
I and my fiancée Margaret Huffstickler, in January of 2007, edited and circulated in large number two different emails, one where white activist (and father of five
beautiful blond kids) Joe Fields defended himself against morals charges by ZOG, specifically by the Jew-ridden Los Angeles police. The other email was by his brilliant white Afrikaner (South African) wife Deirdre defending him.
I don't KNOW that Joe is innocent, but I have known him for 20 years (over there on the California coast). And when Deirdre told me that the LA police proposed to Joe he could get out of [the railroading] by
turning over his entire membership list (in his "Nationalist Forum" in the Los Angeles,Orange County area) to the police, and she said Joe refused, and then they had thrown the bogus "book" at him, and hurled him into jail with the blacks and the Mexicans as a known white nationist, well, when I put it all together and added my own instincts, and then on top I and Margi read his and her emails, it just had the big ring of truth to it.
And Deirdre, as the wife, had the authenticity in her voice: I believe my
husband. Joe was set up because the Nationalist Forum had 2,000 members and Joe was a Croatian (WWII allies of Germany) and they wanted to "get" him.
(On my website here are two clips of Joe speaking, exhausted but triumphant as we beat the Jew conspiracy to quash our conference: [youtube]
YouTube - Joe Fields' Concluding Remarks -- "Take Action!" 1/2 [/youtube] and [youtube]
YouTube - Joe Fields' Concluding Remarks -- "Take Action!" 2/2 [/youtube]
We need to get much more
sophisticated about
morals charges by ZOG.We need to stop being so "blue-eyed," which is the German and Scandinavian word for "naive." We need to get a whole lot more cynical.
Our default
position must be: all morals charges by ZOG are lies or exaggerations.
And if they are exaggerations, then let us in all humility recognize this:
Everyone born before the 1960s has at least two things they NEVER want to come out. And everyone born since the 1960s has at least
five things they never want to come out.
Think about it and make your own mental list.
If we react like Pavlov's dog and swoon at every morals charge by ZOG, they will come to love using it constantly against us. What's not to like from the Jew point of view?
If you don't turn over your membership list, or become their agent, they put you
in prison as a pedophile, where you might be rape or murdered!
And all your friends in the Cause
abandon you!
if that is not a Jew's fantasy revenge.. . . And WE are complicit if we, WE white nationists of all people, believe every lying word out of a lying Jew's mouth.
Why have I gone on at such length? Because this is a very major
strategic issue in our life-and-death struggle to 1) maintain unity in our movement and 2) build our reputation among the white public.
Will they sink us and pick us off individually with
bogus or
exaggerated morals charges?
Jesus of Galilee of the goyeem:
"You [Jew leaders] are from your father, the Devil."
Now, as I said in my "No More Wars for Israel" speech, "Devil,"
diabolosin Greek, means "slanderer." And the number-one Jew game
is SLANDER. Tell lies to get the goyeem to hate their own friends and to love their own enemies.
Never, ever trust a Jew running down your comrade -- unless you see proof. If something merely looks suspicious, withhold judgment.
And never swallow whole what an ex-spouse says.
If we do not wise-up, the J-Team will use
defamation to divide and destroy us from within -- with a endless series of invented or inflated morals charges.
We still have the First Amendment and we still have the Second Amendment, so they have to get us instead with "morals." Now these are the nice folks who start world wars, knock down skyscrapers with 3,000 people in them, rape, torture, sell drugs, prostitute our girls and women, run the porn trade, inflict guilt trips on us and generally make life miserable. Why do we trust any word they say?
Although I have blue eyes, I myself make an effort every day, brother Myles, to be less "blue-eyed."
![Big Grin]()
I try to be flint-eyed whenever a comrade is criticized. My default position, unless I see the proof myself, is this:
Loyalty to my comrades is my honor.
So lemme get this straight: the FBI never went to Strom's wife and neighbors to "get" Strom, they never invented or exaggerated anything; it is all God's Gospel Truth; Shaun Walker deserved seven years for a bar fight; Hitler was an antisemitic Rothschild; Ernst Zundel was a Jew too; I was arrested by the French police and expelled from France for the crime of suicide; Henrik Holappa is a coward for coming to America and avoiding 4.5 years in a Finnish prison with blacks and Turks; keyboard Nazis will fight and win the revolution. Barack Obama is not a white-hating black racist, but will work for a postracial America. And WWI was "the war to end all
wars." ![Big Grin]()
A fine comrade wrote, disgusted with Strom:
1. Kevin called ME of all people to complain and WARN me that Elisha was going to put "kiddie porn" on his computer. He also told me that she was accusing him of being interested in my daughters. A. Why was he calling a housewife in California about this, why not an attorney? B. What did he hope to accomplish by telling me this unless it was to get people on his side early on? C. Why would a sane man live in the house with a woman that he thought would put kiddie porn on his computer? D. Why would he risk losing his children? I would
have thought he would have taken the hard drive and left the house to protect himself. 2. Kevin said that Elisha had destroyed some of Revilo Oliver's stuff. But he still stayed. A. Why would he continue to leave that stuff within reach of Elisha if she had already demonstrated that she was wacky enough to destroy some of it? B. Why didnt he take it with him when he left? He also left tons of NV stuff when he left. 3. Why did he accomplish little to nothing for the entire time he was in charge of NV? A. Was he too busy jacking off to the computer to deposit check for NV so that bills could be paid? B. Why would he not allow anyone to help with any NV projects? Result, NOTHING got done because he was such a micromanager control freak that he had to control everything. We lost our best units. 4. Kevin said that he wanted to try to save his marriage to
Elisha that is why he didn't leave. A. He wanted to stay married to a woman that he thought was capable of setting him up for kiddie porn? B. He would want to stay married to a woman who was a total nutcase as he described her. They didn't have any kids together.- He was willing to put our organization and our reputations on the line to save a bad marriage???
I responded:
* * *
A sobering series of questions. It sounds exactly like "
self-defeating personality syndrome," which often is the result of being molested. I speak from experience. What a tragedy. What a tragedy all around.
From Wikipedia (and please read and reflect how this might apply):
Chooses people and situations that lead to disappointment, failure, or mistreatment even when better options are clearly available
- Rejects or renders ineffective the attempts of others to help him
- Following positive personal events (e.g., new achievement), responds with depression, guilt, or a behavior that produces pain ( e.g., an accident)
- Incites angry or rejecting responses from others and then feels hurt, defeated, or humiliated (e.g., makes fun of spouse in public, provoking an angry retort, then feels devastated)
- Rejects opportunities for pleasure, or is reluctant to acknowledge enjoying himself or herself (despite having adequate social skills and the capacity for pleasure)
- Fails to accomplish tasks crucial to his or her personal objectives despite demonstrated ability to do so, e.g., helps fellow students write papers, but is unable to write his or her own
- Is uninterested in or rejects people who
consistently treat him well, e.g., is unattracted to caring sexual partners
- Engages in excessive self-sacrifice that is unsolicited by the intended recipients of the sacrifice
=========== last post, and most important
More on morals charges and character defamation, the Jews' favorite weapon against our comrades.
The vile outright lies and twisted half-lies of Bacon Eating Jew against me are given full prominence by Google, the creation of two Jews, Larry Page and Sergei Brin.
The self-named BaconEatingAtheistJew, a Zioid infesting Canada. Yet they are so nonsensical that more honest search engines put them on the second page or at the bottom of the first page.
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Re: Apocalypse of the Psychopaths (Alex Jones bashes John de Nugent ...
... the Psychopaths (Alex Jones bashes John de Nugent -- for believing an honest Jew! ... Dynamic videos by John de Nugent and friends. Post Extras: LookyLou ... - 113k - Cached
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de Nugent - Origin of Civilization. Login to post. Share. Bookmark/Search this post with: ... John de Nugent. Thor Heyerdahl. White Gods. Related videos: ... - Cached
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EXPOSING JOHN DE NUDNICK AKA JOHN DE NUGENT ... I was then given mounds of information on John De Nudnick aka John De Nugent. ... Name: John de Nugent. Age: 53 ... - 80k - Cached
JUDEOPHOBE WATCH: John De Nugent (John De Nudnick) Responds; The ...
John De Nugent (John De Nudnick) Responds; The Paranoid Kook Is Running For Congress ... that is appropriate for John De Nugent (John De Nudnick)'s political ... - 83k - Cached
WN Tube - John De Nugent on the subject of psychopathy - 2007
Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system, John De Nugent on the subject of psychopathy - 2007 , John De Nugent speech about psychopathy, at ... id=31 - Cached
WN Tube - John De Nugent on the subject of psychopathy - 2007
John De Nugent on the subject of psychopathy - 2007. User Rating : ... John De Nugent speech about psychopathy, at the No More Wars for israel Conference 2007. ...
John De Nugent 4/9/2008 | Voice of Reason Broadcast Network
7 Responses to "John De Nugent 4/9/2008" Moranen on April 10th, ... John de Nugent's Archive. Marc Krieger Archive. Mark Faust's Archive. Patriot Dames' Archive ... - Cached
John De Nugent 4/2/2008 | Voice of Reason Broadcast Network
DL John De Nugent's show now. Shaking the NWO to the core VoR ... John de Nugent's Archive. Marc Krieger Archive. Mark Faust's Archive. Patriot Dames' Archive ... - Cached
What happened to John De Nugent? - Page 8 - Vanguard News Network Forum
What happened to John De Nugent? General Discussion ... YouTube - John de Nugent for President ... See videos by John de Nugent and his friends! ... - 152k - Cached
What happened to John De Nugent? - Page 2 - Vanguard News Network Forum
Page 2-What happened to John De Nugent? General Discussion ... John de Nugent Radio Show! live Tues. and Fri. ... See videos by John de Nugent and his friends! ... - 188k - Cached
John de Nugent for President Video! - Stormfront
John de Nugent, a long-standing White Nationalist activist who is very well-known to many here on Stormfront, is about to launch a serious bid for - 98k - Cached
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John de Nugent Radio Show! live Tues and Fri 9 PM ... John de Nugent is brilliant both in his ideas and in his presentation. ... JOHN DE
NUGENT FOR PRESIDENT! ... - 151k - Cached
Someday, if I, JOHN DE NUGENT, am not supported fully by you, it will be a ... THIS WILL COME TO AMERICA UNLESS JOHN DE NUGENT GETS YOUR SUPPORT ...'sBurningCars,Ce... - Cached
Henrik Holappa and John de Nugent, July 08, Sarver, Pa., N of Pittsburgh ... I was invited by my friend John de Nugent to rendezvous with him in Harrisburg, ... - Cached
The Name and Family of Nugent
... were Gilbert, Richard,
Christopher and John de Nugent, of whom the last three ... John de Nugent had at least two sons, Hugh and Philip, of whom the first served ... - Cached
Castle Nugent, a Norman fortress, Delvin, Ireland
Frum Chat vidfeeder .: The Jewish Social Network. From very modern to ...
John de Nugent for President. Length: 7:0. Rating: 4.20 (15 ratings) View: 734 ... John de Nugent - Ancient Americans were White 2. Length: 0:47. Rating: 4.00 ... - 69k - Cached
The Phora - View Single Post - Apocalypse of the
General Discussion Forum. Race Relations Emphasis. Discuss racialism, eugenics, nationalism, holocaust revisionism, history, philosophy, science, politics, and ... - Cached
Nugent Surname History - Ireland
History of the Nugent Surname, Nugent Coat of Arms. ... were Gilbert, Richard, Christopher and John de Nugent, of whom the last three ... - Cached
Pedro Varela
Von: John de Nugent. Gesendet: Sonntag, 16. April 2006 21:25. Betreff: re-arrest of Span. ... 16, 2006 between John de Nugent and revisionist author Joaquin ... - Cached
Moscows new chief ideologist
Every young man needs an older mentor in every organic, natural, healthy tribe ... See videos by John de Nugent and his friends! Revised: May 18, 2008. ... - Cached
Rhode Island Accents : NPR
NPR's Liane Hansen talks to John De Nugent, who teaches Rhode Islanders how to reduce their regional accents. ... Hourly News Summary. 24-hour Program Stream ...
The stage is set for the Norman Invasion of
Ireland. 10. Further expansion in ... were Gilbert, Richard, Christopher and John de Nugent, of whom the last three ... - 536k - Cached
The issue of incest is a nagging one in the literary and cinematic ...
The writer, John de Nugent, explore the current, and past relationship, between ... In Psychanalyse du judaïsme, we saw that "the Torah" offers many examples of ... - Cached
3) but now notice Google:
* * *
THE ATHEIST JEW: Fisking White Supremacist John De Nugent (Da Nudnick)
First, whatever your ironic remarks, my legal name is John de Nugent. I legally changed it from John Nugent in 2004. De Nugent was the
original family name ... - 146k - Cached - Similar pages
JUDEOPHOBE WATCH: John De Nugent (John De Nudnick) Responds; The ...
Nov 11, 2007 ... I found a campaign song that is appropriate for John De Nugent (John De Nudnick)'s political campaign:. AddThis Social Bookmark Button ... - 84k - Cached - Similar pages
YouTube - John de Nugent "Let My People Go!" 1/3
first of three videos from "No More Wars for Israel ...
10 min -
Rated 4.7 out of 5.0
YouTube - John de Nugent - The Return of
the White Gods
John de Nugent - The Return of the White GodsThe John de ...
1 min 41 sec -
Rated 0.0 out of 5.0
Aug 19, 2008 ... Listen to Peter's interview with John De Nugent on the player below or ... John De Nugent interview; Part one. Part two. DOWNLOAD PART ONE ... - 32k - Cached - Similar pages
eNationalist and Nugent talk radio show | John de Nugent
Jun 4, 2008 ... Listen to eNationalists online radio show about eNationalist and Nugent eNationalist Radio. BlogTalkRadio is the leading social radio ... - 45k - Cached - Similar pages
Exposing White Supremacist John De Nugent » Propeller
Exposing White Supremacist John De Nugent ». Posted by: theatheistjew 9 months, 3 weeks ago. 1 Comment Report this Story ... - 20k - Cached - Similar pages
eNationalist Radio - Home
John de Nugent has been in the white activist movement for over thirty years. He is currently writes for American Free Press and The Barnes Review ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages
The Name and Family of Nugent
His sons were Gilbert,
Richard, Christopher and John de Nugent, ... John de Nugent had at least two sons, Hugh and Philip, of whom the first served in ... - 12k - Cached - Similar pages
Archive of last Masher show with John de Nugent? [Archive ...
Jul 14, 2007 ... [Archive] Archive of last Masher show with John de Nugent? Vanguard Broadcasting. - 4k - Cached - Similar pages
There you have it, folks:
The Jews have decided that character defamation is the best way to take me out. And then YOU out. And all of us. SLANDER AND LIBEL US TO EACH OTHER AND SLANDER AND LIBEL US TO THE PUBLIC.
Comrades rally to other comrades when we are
politically persecuted. But they scatter naively when we are morally accused.
This is why my book is so important -- so you understand that psychopaths live to lie. That you must have a force field up at all times against every word from a Jew's mouth, including the half-truth/half-lies, and you must even more doubt what emerges from the pie hole of their brainwashed or consciously evil white-skinned supporters.
Beware the WHITE liar and "authority figure." We tend to trust them more -- just as Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud's nephew, realized, when he founded modern PR in 1919. We trust the authority figure and the "expert" -- because we are the least psychopathic race, and the most trusting. We PROJECT, in fact, our trustworthiness and lack of guile onto others who do not deserve it. We even override our own perceptions. A male actor in a white coat appears in an ad, and we read: "Four out of five
dentists agree . . . " (that 6 mio. Jews were gassed; negroes are the same as whites/Al Qaeda attacked Amerca on 9/11, etc.)
But, after all, the actor playing "dentist" WAS wearing a white coat!
If an authority figure says it, or Google, we believe it. Psychopaths know that about Aryans. We TRUST.
It is not about Kevin Strom, or David Duke, or Wilis Carto, or Tom Metzger, or Ed Fields, or Glenn Miller, or April Gaede, Mark Weber, John de Nugent, Ben Klassen, the Order, Adolf Hitler, or anyone accused of anything.
It is about "Do I still, despite all I know, at least half-believe what comes out of a Jew's mouth? Why do I not instantly dismiss EVERYTHING a Jew says?"
THIS residual gullibility is how the Jew still intends to destroy our movement. Character defamation. They
know we support our comrades for their views, so they try to get us with dirt.
Will we cooperate with their scheme? The scheme of the dirtiest people on earth? Will be we demand perfection from our leaders when we cannot demonstrate it at all in our own private lives?
Or does half-believing a Jew not free us from the obligation to support a true leader to the hilt when he does appear?
"Well, I would support him, but I've heard these stories, and ...."
And so the Jews gives you your "out." The out you may secretly, in your darkest moments, desire to find so you can stay safe and low-profile.
While our race goes down the tubes. While the Jew prepares his hate-speech laws and his gun confiscation. His martial law. When the knock comes on the door for you, it will be too late. You believed the Jew when he said "You have no leaders." You had them but you believed
the Jew. You, the antisemite.
Divide and conquer. Demoralize and defeat. Wait for the immaculate leader. (But remember: For many Germans, Hitler had a strange mustache. His niece committed suicide. He had dark hair. Some whisper he was a coward at the front, or a queer.) You can always find a way to bug out, and make the Jew's day.
900 million whites prostrate before 20 million Jews who got into their minds.
Always, always remember the ancient principle of Roman law, enshrined in the Latin phrase every ancient Roman detective knew by heart:
Cui bono? Who benefits -- in the end? |
Who benefits from these stories? The Movement, or the Jew? If the Jew, why should it faze us?
Augustus, a sandy-haired, blue-eyed Nordic Roman nobleman and nephew of Julius Caesar, founded a Roman empire that lasted, if one counts the Eastern Roman Empire, for 1,500 years, holding back all manner of invaders of the white world from the east. A brilliant analyst of human nature, his question was always "Cui bono? Who stands to benefit?" whenever a rumor was started, an unusual thing happened, or an unsolved crime was committed. Who stands to benefit?
In less than two weeks, white brothers, white sisters, it will be crunch time. I and mine will go forth to battle. What will you do? What WILL you do? Slink away like a shameful slave to mourn your own cowardice -- or stand up, and fill your lungs with the air of freedom, and really LIVE? For one brief, shining moment, really LIVE?