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ZOG overthrow movie -- Day One!

"Land of the Free,"A Short Film by John Jensen
(Google video)

"Land of the Free" A Short Film by John Jensen

Comrades, there may be a token black thrown into this 13-minute video from "Forge Films," and an Asian US resident gets rounded up first -- but all the rest are armed White men. I did not see one Jewish name among the actors, producers or crew of "land of the Free." (This video apparently was just released on September 16th.)

For your own further reference, here is a fact-packed video that, unless your "horror filter"' is blocking it out, should make you realize how close we are to the last edge.

Bush can declare martial law for an economic emergency.

This evening the website goes up at 9 pm US East Coast time -- and an explosive radio ad. Thanks for your feedback and financial support as I and the De Nugent Team worked to put all this together -- in time, I hope, to prevent a horrible fate for us all. Will you help or will you run, a yellow coward, in the decisive hour? I am sure you will not.

John de Nugent

P.S. The Judeo-Finnish newspapers are already screeching that the most dangerous thing on the Net is racist "hate speech," followed by child porn![sic]

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