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Who We Are

Who We Are
I am the living Prophet of the Aryan God, Wotan! I have been chosen to spread the correct faith of the Aryan people. I was chosen because I was able to realize at a young age that only violence can win us freedom! I also realized that what was needed was a racial religion that would force our people to live Aryan, to fight Aryan, and to die Aryan! And so Wotan chose me to write his holy book, The Wotanist Bible, and to spread his teachings throughout the world. I guess you could say that I am the Aryan version of an Islamic Joseph Smith!
The Wotanism I teach is not the "Wotanism" of David Lane or Ron McVan! The Wotanism I teach is not from the Eddas or Sagas! The Wotanism I teach does not embrace all Whites! The Wotanism I teach is not a "Sunday picnic"! The Wotanism I teach is not for those seeking a "membership group", or people of "like mind" who want to waste their time passing out fliers all day long! The Wotanism I teach is not for those who are afraid to suffer in Wotan's name! The Wotanism I teach is not for those who reject violence! The Wotanism I teach is not for those who cannot die in Wotan's name! The Wotanism I teach does not believe that those who are born White are born Aryan!
The Wotanism I teach believes in Jihad! The Wotanism I teach believes in Martyrdom! The Wotanism I teach believes in Polygamy! The Wotanism I teach believes in the Wotanist family unit living as a tight-knit cell! The Wotanism I teach believes in that family cell fighting just as hard as a group of Muslim Terrorists! The Wotanism I teach believes in that family networking with no other people! The Wotanism I teach believes in individuals fighting as Lone Wolfs who use any and all means to achieve victory! The Wotanism I teach believes that the ends justify the means! The Wotanism I teach believes in forcing White people to either believe as we do, or they die! The Wotanism I teach believes that the Gods are real!
Let me explain some of the beliefs and non-beliefs to you :

We believe that those who are born genetically Aryan, but who refuse to believe in Wotanism, are infidels who are worthy of death!
We believe that true Aryans are born, not recruited!
We believe that Women have the same rights as men!
We believe that children have the same rights as men!
We believe in following Wotanism with the same dedication as an Arab follows Islam!
We believe that when we die fighting against our enemies, the act of Martyrdom, that our soul goes to Valhalla!
We do not look at the Eddas or Sagas as scripture!
We consider any belief that the Gods and Goddesses are just "Jungian Archetypes" as blasphemy!
Suicide is not a sin!
Suicide-bombing is an act of Martyrdom!
Midgard is the name of the Universe that we reside in!
Sol and Mani are the Earth and Mars!
The Aryan race is hundreds of millions of years old!
We reject all forms of nationality!
Pure Aryans have blue or green or grey eyes ONLY!
And many other things...
As the living Prophet it is my duty to relate Wotan's current revelations that he sends to me. I am also finishing up the Wotanist Bible, which will be the only official scripture for Wotanism! Revelations to be added on as time goes by... I will also be writing various short stories that follow Wotanism.
Wotanism is practiced by the individual and their family. I do not host annual meetings. I do, however, travel and answer peoples questions. If you would like to know more feel free to e-mail me or write me a letter. I answer all! And if you have a friend in jail/prison, and they are near by, or they are far (and you fit the bill), I can meet them.
One last note and that is this: We are not a part of the anglo White Power movement! We do not consider ourselves to be White! The White man is a devolved Aryan, and must be cut from our race?s body!!