A fine and action-oriented comrade called me and suggested I read the
below, and then discussed my practical election plans for the future.
Here is his vision of autonomous white townships:
* * *
Plan for victory Written by Administrator
Wednesday, 05 November 2008 14:32
(source: http://www.nordwave.net/index/index....r-victory.html)
As educated and loyal National Socialists we can all agree, I’m sure,
that since [the 1967 death by assassination of George Lincoln] Rockwell
we have been failing miserably at having any kind of permanent progress
and in turn we have suffered from minimal growth and many splinters in
what was once a united movement.
Combat vet and US Navy Commander George Lincoln Rockwell. My family
in Rhode Island knew his brother. I was affiliated with his National
Socialist White People's Party in 1978-80, and wrote a number of
articles for its newspaper, White Power. (One, "Go Tell the
Spartans," provoked a letter of praise from Savitri Devi over in
Europe, who wrote Rockwell's successor, Matt Koehl, to say she wanted
to meet me -- this from White Power's editor, comrade Martin
Kerr.) Cmdr. Rockwell attended Brown University in Providence, on the
Angell Street my ancestor Thomas Angell founded. Charismatic, fearless,
tall and tough, "Rocky" (as my late friend Ralph Grandinetti, a former
Stormtrooper, called him) also had a keen sense of humor and of
showmanship, no doubt from his vaudeville father. And he knew how to
make a haranga (whence our word "harangue"), the Frankish-Germanic word for a commander's war speech,
and how to effectively ridicule the Enemy. On many a campus he won over
the students' hearts -- first with his courage, then with his humor,
then with his facts and finally with his soaring ideal of the White
Folk Community, of a safe, proud, free, white American Reich.
The lack of progress has repelled the masses putting into their mindset
that this is an idea which time will never come again. The lack of
progress has caused many splits with different leaders thinking they
can bring victory in their own ways -- which each time have failed.
We have seen almost every tactic put into effect and in turn we have seen no results. What we need is progress.
With a progressive idea we can grow exponentially as well as unite the
movement under one banner as it truly is meant to be. Since we know the
problem what is the solution?
I’m sure everyone who has been in the Movement for any length of time
is tired of talkers that never actually do anything. We all know when
building you don’t start at the roof, you build from the bottom. We
want the formation of a National Socialist state. The foundation of a
nation is the community which there are countless towns around the
Now cities have become the economic pillars that hold up the current
materialistic society we live in. These cities are over run with
non-whites and have been rotted to their very cores.
Blacks openly celebrate their separate Kwanzaa festival, and
dominate many cities, although Mexicans are crowding them out. They
demand and get their own postage stamp to celebrate separateness - and
For our new nation we must build new communities that will become new
pillars for a new society. If we cannot at least create a small network
any potential new nation and any possible progress our race can ever
achieve will be wiped away. We have reasonable goals which we now know
must be met for the sake of our race. We must build [b]small
communities prepared for the future collapse of America which will
stand for National Socialism.
Brief Plan:
Phase 1: Creating a Blueprint.
Research the general area you personally think can serve the idea as a
good strategic area. Move to the area if you’re not already there. Then
look at small, manageable towns nearby. See what you have to work with,
finances as well as local comrades and potential newcomers to the area.
Research is a long, boring phase but without creating a blueprint for
your future communities all will fail. Each town you look at and each
person who moves to the area is progress.
Phase 2: Building a community.
This is when you take your idea and bring it into the physical realm.
This begins as soon as you buy the first piece of land in the targeted
town. By moving others to the targeted town you grow political strength
as well as economic strength in the area. Each person that moves into
the town means more "clout" affecting businesses and politicians --
since no company wants a boycott and no politician wants to be removed
from office.
Once multiple communities have been formed we can begin networking and
helping each other with whatever one community happens to lack. When
you have established a fully functional and self-dependent community of
national socialists, in which we can sustain ourselves with our own
crops and live stock as well as generate our own electricity and have
our own water supply, then we are ready to move to phase 3.
Elovena, the symbol in Finland of a wholesome white farm girl.
Phase 3: Defending the community
With every political movement and idea there must be something to
enforce it. In some states a legal militia can be formed -- and in
other states a simple gun club -- can come in use to help educate
National Socialist members of our community on survival and protection
of not only themselves and their community but the entire network of
communities that will stand the test of time so when order breaks down
we can secure a territory for our own people.
Phase 4: Roll of the dice
It is hard to put a time frame on any plan but we can see milestones
which in time can be reached. Phase 3 will be the only phase that can
be reached by the will of our fellow kinsmen. The final phase [defense]
will have to wait until order in our nation breaks down. Then we will
come to power not because we marched a hundred people in the streets or
passed out fliers to our neighbors but because our communities are
self-sufficient and will feel very little effects of the breakdown.
When cities lose power and face riots we will have our electricity and we will have a protective force to keep OUR people safe.
By merely keeping order in our community and in all communities in the
network we can become beacons of light which, in the darkness that will
surely come, shall attract the masses.
I responded:
* * *
Dear kinsman,
I read your eminently practical vision for town-building.
It is clear that we were destined to "meet," even if so far only by phone and email.
There is, however, as you know, a crisis that overrides your plans, and that is that the Jews will NOT tolerate any such townships succeeding unless we can prevent them from carrying out their thwarting countermeasures:
1) what they really want to have is martial law, a ban on "hate speech"
as in Europe or Canada, and a roundup of dissidents (subsequent to
another false-flag attack such as 9/11 or a biological epidemic); your
townships would then be ruled "discriminatory" and "hate communities,"
or "militia hotbeds" and shut down;
2) literally poisoning wells (which Jews infamously did throughout the Middle Ages) or the reservoirs the township needs for drinking and irrigation
3) assassination of township leaders and of followers
Two lieutenants of Austrian governor Jörg Haider mourn the "car-accidented" white leader.
The ultra-high-tech Volkswagen Phaeton of Governor Haider, a $100,00
car designed to protect the driver by computer and construction from
even a severe roll-over or crash, and to slow down the vehicle as soon
as the suspension sensors detect that the car has left the roadbed.
Note the circular hole over the driver's seat.
4) constant, costly vandalism of buildings and equipment and killing or
mutilating of livestock (which the Blacks loved to do to white farmers'
poor animals in the old Rhodesia and South Africa; some pitiable cows
had their hamstrings cut or even chunks of living meat sliced out).
All your plans are brilliant, but there must be a gigantic political movement FIRST that catches on like wildfire so as to protect your project among the broad white masses, both politically and PR-wise, and makes your plan something that ZOG dare not shut down.
There must be police and National Guard officers who read our materials or see them on the Net and then tip us off to any attack; these are the future "friendlies,"
as was said during the Vietnam War, who give us at least info if not
much more. Sometimes friendlies even "lose" useful equipment. . . .
The J-Team understands as well as you do that a network of Aryan-ruled townships as per your vision will eventually attract hordes of desperate Whites who feel economically, physically and culturally endangered.
This necklace of sparkling, safe, prosperous White townships undermines their plan for gradual or rapid genocide very insidiously
-- but as an insidious people themselves, and one that, admirably
enough, thinks in terms of generations and even centuries, they
understand the long-term threat that you pose very well.
You undermine them slowly but surely, non-violently but definitely. You
reverse the whole process of the darkening of America. You create "a
thousand points of light" where they seek a gathering darkness. You
create hope; they want despair, resignation, shattered morale, and
Therefore I appreciated doubly your surprise phone call inquiring about my nuts-and-bolts practical political plans.
We must have, in my view, the following -- in chronological order:
1) THE BOOK with THE vision, and THE plan, by THE leader; all of which gives birth to . . .
2) a white TRIBE with all the trimmings of a genuine tribe, i.e., a
separate, identifiable ETHNIC GROUP as are the Jews or the Amish, or
the Overseas Chinese (but a group that other Whites, after a rigorous
filtering process, can join); then after the tribe is founded and grows we need . . .
Some manly Keystone activists in a tug-of-war at a very fun picnic
this July; Henrik Holappa (in foreground) helped his side win.
3) a practical election-participating political movement
4) and only then can we build your townships that ZOG is afraid to shut down for fear of dire consequences.
The political movement has two cardinal demands:
1) keep the First Amendment;
2) keep the Second Amendment.
If either key part of the Bill of Rights is gutted by tyranny, we MUST fight.
Both your area in the Prairie States and mine in the Appalachians are
viable as White Bastions. Let us pursue our dialogue, and smith out
plans for iron-clad action -- then DO it.
The Appalachian states of PA, OH, WV and KY are gorgeous and
overwhelmingly White and rightwing -- and armed. -- and disgusted. Here
is a scene behind our house.
First, I must complete my book, THE Folk Book, I hope, for our race.
God willing, I will provide a vision, plan and organization, and Obama and the Great Jewpression will actually aid us. |