The person may have lied because of momentary pressure
or fear of man. (Matt. 26:69-75 )
Unless it is established by witnesses or confession that he
has made a practice of flagrant, malicious lying, the elders
would endeavor to readjust the person through loving
Scriptural admonition without holding a judicial hearing.
Although there may be a basis for showing more than
ordinary consideration and patience, the elders must
protect the cleanness and spiritual well-being of the
congregation. ( 1 Thess. 5 :14 )
However, on occasion the body of elders may decide to
allow two unbaptized publishers, who are regularly
associating and awaiting an assembly to get baptized, to
be wedded at a Kingdom Hall.
Many marital problems can be resolved by following the
principle of Matthew 18: 15.
In the Christian congregation, divorce is allowed only for
"fornication," or por.nei'a. (Matt. 5:31, 32; 19:3-9)
The marriage bond is not automatically broken in God's
eyes by sex relations outside the marriage union; the
innocent mate may forgive. (Hos. 3: 1-3; 1 Cor. 13:4-8)
The innocent mate should be informed that resuming
sexual relations with the adulterous mate would indicate
forgiveness and would therefore cancel the Scriptural
ground for divorce. (w81 3/1 pp. 30-1)
Forgiveness of adultery involves a willingness on the part
of the innocent mate to resume sexual relations with the
adulterous mate within a reasonable period of time. (w74
11/1 pp. 671-2)
When such action has escalated to the point where it has
become shocking and repeated efforts to help adjust the
situation have been ignored, there may be basis for taking
disfellowshipping action. (Gal. 5:19; w83 3/15 p. 31; w73
9/15 pp. 574-6)
UNIT 5 (c) - 135
The language used in advertising a drawing or contest, as
well as the kind of sponsors, may involve elements with
which a Christian would not want to be identified, either
for personal reasons or for fear of stumbling others. (Rom.
14:21; 1 Cor. 10:31-33; g75 7/8 p. 28)
Gambling-related employment is not appropriate for a
When human laws conflict with God's law, true Christians
follow the example of the apostles of Jesus Christ. (Acts
4:19, 20; 5:29-32)
It is wise to avoid making purchases from or employing
the services of individuals or businesses known to be
illegal in their operation.
A person's employment should also be honorable so that it
will not become a cause for reproach or stumbling.
Following Scriptural counsel protects a Christian from
consequences of lawbreaking and protects his conscience.
(Rom. 13:3,5)
UNIT 5 (c) - l37
The blood of Jesus Christ covers the sins of such new
ones. They may get baptized. However, it is best to be
judicious as to extending additional privileges. (Isa. 1:18;
1 Tim. 2:5, 6; l John 1:7)
A brother who has notified the authorities of his illegal
status and filed papers to resolve his situation would not
be restricted as to representing the congregation in prayer,
sharing in teaching, or being appointed as a pioneer, a
ministerial servant, or an elder if otherwise qualified.
If an individual ignores God's Word on this matter, it may
affect his congregation privileges.
Probating wills.
Certain countersuits. For example:
If a brother takes legal action against another baptized
Witness, it would not be a violation of 1 Corinthians 6:1-8
for the one being sued to defend himself or to countersue.
(This is true whether the matter was first taken before the
elders or not. )
Since true dedicated Christians are "no part of the world,"
if a member of the congregation unrepentantly pursues a
course in violation of his Christian neutrality, he thereby
disassociates himself from the neutral Christian
congregation. (John 15:19; 17:14-16; w82 1/15 p. 31)
If he disregards the help proffered and pursues a course in
violation of Christian neutrality, a committee should send
the facts substantiating the disassociation to the branch
office on the S-77 and S-79 forms.
If a government requests temporary use of Kingdom Halls
or congregation equipment in times of emergency, it
would not be a violation of neutrality to comply.
In some lands, all individuals are required to build roads
or work in the fields. Where this is not a form of military
service but is comparable to a tax, there would be no
objection as long as the work itself is not in violation of
Bible principles. (Matt. 5 :41; 22:21)
A Christian woman threatened with rape should resist to
the best of her ability. (Deut. 22:23-27; g84 2/22 pp. 24-7;
w83 3/15 p. 30; g80 7/8 pp. 9-13; g73 4/22 pp. 16-17;
w68 6/1 pp. 345-50)
As in the case of a person who takes up professional
boxing and continues in such a course, he would be
expelled from the congregation. (w81 7/1 PP. 30-1)
Persons should be urged to act in such a way as to
maintain a clean conscience, and the marriage bed should
be undefiled. (Heb. 13 :4; w83 3/15 pp. 27-31)