Recently the Romanian National Vanguard Party asked me if I would agree to do an interview with their News Agency.
That interview is now available at:
Romanian National Vanguard: Hello commander. Let?s start the interview. Could you please introduce yourself to our readers?
Commander Jeff Schoep: Commander Jeff Schoep / Director of the U.S. based National Socialist Movement.
Romanian National Vanguard: You are leading the most powerful nationalist organization in America are you proud of it?
Commander Jeff Schoep: I would preffer to use the word Honored. I am Honored to be a part of America?s Leading NS group. We take pride in our actions, and face the enemy in the streets.
Romanian National Vanguard: How did you managed to make N.S.M. so powerful?
Commander Jeff Schoep: The members of our Party and their actions are what makes us powerfull. Our people don?t just talk or on-line chat about the problems facing America, they take the fight directly into the streets. Others see our actions and join us. People like to be involved with others willing to fight for their beliefs. Actions, not words alone!
Romanian National Vanguard: Some white nationalists criticize the NSM for using the NSDAP German uniforms but despite that, NSM attracted more people then any other nationalist organization ever could!
Commander Jeff Schoep: Yes, some people do not like our uniforms or even our symbols, more often than not, those who criticize us are only making excuses for their own inaction, or cowardice in the face of the enemy hordes that face the White Race. Some people who criticize us just disagree, and that is their opinion, when they start outdoing our efforts, then perhaps I will consider their ways, but for now their words are meaningless and empty. Commander Rockwell (famous U.S. NS) wore the same uniform as we do, we Honor our Fallen Leader.
Romanian National Vanguard: The NSM had a small downfall after the Lansing rally but now I see things are better than ever.
Commander Jeff Schoep: There was some speculation that we had a Downfall last year (most of that was spread by a jewish agent provacatuer who I will not name), but really we simply shifted a few people out of the Organization (Our Chairman retired, and we threw out a couple of problem members who were causing harm to the NSM), and 2 or 3 other people left in protest. We recruit more new members in one week than we lost in the so-called Downfall. The jewsmedia and their agents prayed for us to fall apart, and as usual we only became stronger. Here we are today, and growing stronger by the hour.
Romanian National Vanguard: NSM has a lot of websites, a recording studio, forums, a radio station, a game studio, a shop. It has all things except one. Do you think you could make a national TV station in the nearby future?
Commander Jeff Schoep: Wow, that would be nice! It would cost probably millions or billions of dollars to have a National tv station. That is not within our reach at this time. We could however strive to further develop internet tv, some more workers and potential hosts for such a venture could prove very effective for the NSM and NS causes Worldwide.
Romanian National Vanguard: For 2008, the NSM has a presidential candidate. Will he appear on TV? Will we see him on TV debating and talking?
Commander Jeff Schoep: I doubt the system will allow Presidential Candidate Bowles on any mainstream tv debates, that is how the system stops all 3rd Party Candidates, but he is working hard to make paths to the White House and we back him 100%.
Romanian National Vanguard: The last two rallies the NSM held were very interesting and many people showed up. Tell me is NSM growing even more?
Commander Jeff Schoep: Our Rallys usually attract between 50 and 200 people from our Party, and extra supporters. It varies from City to City. I recall in my early Party activism where we were happy to get a handfull of people, its a lot bigger now than before.
Romanian National Vanguard: How did the protest at the mexican consulate from Omaha, 1 September went?
Commander Jeff Schoep: It was great, refference reports/pics at
Romanian National Vanguard: Now that you have a big building, a headquarters. Have you ever thought on holding any international conferences for the World Union of National Socialists hosted there?
Commander Jeff Schoep: Yes, that is something we would like to do. We have the meeting hall/hq now, so our Worldwide Comrades are welcome to attend.
Romanian National Vanguard: There are so many questions to ask but I?m sure you don?t have the necessary time so I?m just happy I got the chance to ask these. Thank you commander for this wonderful interview. We wish you best luck!
Commander Jeff Schoep: Thank you, and best of luck to our Romanian Brothers and Sisters who fight for NS and National Pride in Romania.
Photo from Omaha rally by NSM88