WikiLeaks: US National Socialist Movement private emails until 15 Aug 2009 mail archive

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RE: Nationals

I was not able to open the attachment. If you send it in the e-mail itself, but not as an attachment I will read it and give you my opinion/idea's, etc. You are correct, if it opens one persons mind it was a success. 88 Commander Schoep


Subject: Nationals
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2007 20:08:50 -0400

                    I wrote this in 20 minutes earlier this afternoon. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I will continue to polish it until its perfect for Nationals. I would sincerely appreciate your critique. I assume that the majority of speakers will focus on immigration. Well, you can only drive a point home so much. So I decided to shift to a different angle and speak about something else, though still related. Please let me know what you would like changed or any opinions and suggestions that you may have. I want this speech to shine- to awe and inspire. I suppose that this is old news to yourself- you have probably given over 100 public speeches. As my first, my concern is to be a good representative of the NSM and the white race. If one white man in the crowd is moved by what I say, I would consider it a success.

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