WikiLeaks: US National Socialist Movement private emails until 15 Aug 2009 mail archive

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Interviewed by a Zine in the Czech Republic

I recently recieved an interview request from a Zine in the Czech Republic, about the NSM. Here is the link for the on-line text if any of you can read Czech:   
NSM Records also recieved a request from a Record Label in Hungary to donate a couple of songs to an upcoming cd project to raise funds for Hungarian National Socialists recently arrestted by Zog for Patriotic actions. We have also agreed to assist them with International NS solidarity, and donate a couple of songs from NSM Records bands to their cd compilation project.
New shows on NSM Radio  tune in anytime, 24 hours a day.
As each day passes more and more people join our Ranks, to those of you still on the fence, now is the time to get active. Join the Fight for Race and Nation. Hail Victory!

Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."  
National Socialist Movement

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