Although there are no minutes on the cell phone at the moment, I will be filling it up the day I leave. The number is 701-261-7956. I spoke with Harriet and Paul from Wisonsin and everything is fine as far as me staying with them. They mentioned that this will be Saturday night, although I do not know what you're plans are or when you plan on returning to the cities. Let me know. As I mentioned in my last message, my return date is for the 12th, but I did that only as precaution in case you had business to attend to in Miluakee. But this is not set in stone, I can just take it in to the Greyhound terminal here and have it reprinted to return on the 11th. I don't want to be a pain in the ass or inconvience you.
I am pretty excited about this trip. I've never spoken in public before so I'm a little nervous, but it will be fine. I don't really count the three minutes I spoke in Omaha as anything like a real speech... Anyway let me know your definte plans for returning to the Cities and I will adjust accordingly.
ST First Class Herring
NSM North Dakota
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