Hello Commander, My name is Chris Schubert. I have read about and am a strong supporter of the NSM. I wish to attend the march in Washington D.C. but there are several things preventing this from happening, one being that I live far away and will have a difficult time getting there. Another is that my parents do not know about my national socialist side. I have started to recruit and pass on information about the NSM. I am not currently a member but I have sent in my application. In my town, Wheeler, Texas, we have become overrun by illegal immigrants from Mexico. , my commrades and I, are resisting this and are trying to get them out. We will not stand for our community to become like a third-world country. We need th help and support of the NSM to stop this autrocity, if you can help us in any way please do so.You are a hero to me, my insperation if you will. I wish I will have the chance soon to discuss all of my dreams and hopes for the white community and people. I wish to hear back from you soon. Until our next discusion,, Chris Schubert88, Heil Hitler
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