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NSM Staff

On 1/18/08, Kyle Young <> wrote:
Send me some info
I am 20 years old I am a big history buff I am not some dumb racist man. I know how nations fall I can see the US heading that route. We are being invaded the government has a double standard towards freedom of speech I believe they want globalization, but not ever has there ever been no superpower we fall someone will climb. (china) my guess
I am in the heart of this invasion south east NM. I have some Mexican friends, some conform to US customs others have this delusion of Mexico being superior. It really is irritating, they are a stupid uneducated race. When I finish college if there isn't some major change I am leaving to England or Germany. I will not watch our fall! There will be a war here soon of the races.

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Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."  
National Socialist Movement

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