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NSM Staff: What can I do?

On 1/30/08, richie joyce-vorce <> wrote:
I am a student at Medway highschool in Medway, MA. It's a scut liberal town in a scut liberal region. I've always thought differently, always seen things from a more practical viewpoint. Ever since I was nine years old and they began telling us in school about "evil white racists" and the beauty of the melting pot, I wondered: who am I? Where do I come from? What is my heritage?  Why is it that my blood line and ancesteral pride is forgotten, ignored, and all together discouraged. If everyone in this world gets a fair shake, how do you explain the unquestionable bias of the media, books, schools, MY THIRD GRADE CLASS ROOM. When you are growing up you are told to ask questions. Question everything- you're bound to learn more. They forget to tell you that asking the wrong questions will result in being cut down, shot down, and bashed. I am 17 years old now, and things are so clear to me, and I am learning everyday. I want so badly to do what I can for our cause, but I feel absolutely stranded up here in New England. I want to meet people, get involved, and make an impact. I just want to know if there is anything that I can do locally, be apart of, and make a difference. Thankyou...White Power....Rick

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Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."  
National Socialist Movement

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