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NSM Staff Re: Sieg Heil from Germany!!!
On 2/14/08, <> wrote:
Hail comrades,
I´m a national-socialist from Germany (the country of Adolf Hitler!!!).
I´ve seen your very interesting homepage.
I like your way fighting against the jewish pest which has enslaved the american and german nation (and all nations arround the world!!!).
You have the same problems with foreigner and racial mixture as the Germans!!!
The white (aryan) race is going to die - Nigger, Arabs, Jews ans Asians overrun the white nations and destroy their culture!!!
In 1933 Judaism declared war on Germany. These declaration was not only a declaration of war on Germany - It was a declaration of war on all white nations!!!
Adolf Hitler protected the white nations against the judaism and communism.
After the war there were no more resistance against these enemies...
Now it´s our turn to protect our nations aganist the enemies of the white race!!!
We must work an fight until we win!!!
And this victory will rescue our holy and God-given white culture and aryan race!!!
I hope we can fight together in comradeship and complement one another.
Please write me back and let´s fight together!!!
Please hand on this appeal to your comrades (from the NSM).
With kind regards and "Sieg Heil"
Gerold ("Gerry") Schibblock / Germany (Großdeutschland)
Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
National Socialist Movement
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