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Burn the hate in 2008 After Action Report
On Friday Feb. 29th and Saturday March 1st the NSM was very busy at the Detroit HQ and also in Ohio. On Friday a Documentary Film crew followed four of us through Downtown Detroit as we passed out flyers advertising the March on Washington DC. Most of the White people we could find Downtown accepted the flyers we were passing out, of course not everyone appreciated the NSM's anti-immigration stance, but that is just too bad for them. We soldiered on passing out flyers until it was time to pick up another Comrade from the Airport. After that we met up with the film crew for a detailed interview at a meeting hall in the Suburbs. One of the film crew was curious why so many houses in Detroit are burned up, gutted, and/or crack houses. We all know the answer to that!
On March 1st we drove to the Lewisburg, Ohio area for an open NSM Public Meeting, and the Burn the Hate in 2008 Book Burning. Mark Martin of NSM Ohio conducted an interview with the film crew that was with us in Detroit earlier in the day. When we pulled into Lewisburg we encountered absolutely no opposition, just an NSM Flag flying high in the park and around 50 of our Brothers and Sisters waiting to ride over to the meeting hall.
The meeting began soon after, and featured various speakers. After the meeting a long caravan of vehicles departed to head off to private property for the book burning. We began the book burning by lighting a series of torches, then the bonfire, and then set the jewish filth into the pyre's. The degenerate books were soon cleansed by the flames, and we all watched attentively while the ashes fell from the nights sky. NSM Radio/TV filmed the March 1st event, as did the Documentary film crew.
Another successfull NSM event, and special thanks to all that traveled to get to the event, and especially NSM Ohio for sponsoring another great event. Hail Victory!
p.s. Pictures of this event will soon be available at
Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
National Socialist Movement
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