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Re: New job

Glad to hear it Brother, things always get better. See you next month, it will be a great event. 88

On 3/6/08, William Herring <> wrote:
Great news Sir! I started at my new job last Monday. (Thank god) It is a brand new restaurant that just opened 4 days ago. With any grand opening comes utter chaos and a shitload of overtime. I will be working 7 days a week for the foreseeable future. By Sunday afternoon I will be at about 60 hours for the week. So come hell or high water I am coming to Nationals.
During my interview last Sunday I informed my new boss that I will be out of town from April 15th to April 21st. He asked why and I told him that I belong to a politcal organization working to make America a decent place to live by addressing illegal immigration and reform in government, and I was going there to speak with the citizens of DC about these issues. His eyes got a little wide and stared at me for perhaps 5 seconds and said, "No problem. I'll let the kitchen manager know about it so he won't schedule you for those days."
It was maybe a little foolhardy, but I never hide who and what I am. Why hide it? As far as the job goes, its stressful, hot, sweaty, noisy and dirty. But its a job, and at $15 an hour on overtime, I am not about to complain. This is difference between Aryans and niggers. We don't have to resort to mugging th elderly or holding up a liquor store when we're broke and going through hard times. We just tighten our belts and forge ahead until we succeed.
So lets march on DC and show these liberal communist jew-scum that we are not afraid! 88!

Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser! Learn more.

Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."  
National Socialist Movement

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