March on DC April 19th. Be there!
National Socialist Movement Organizing March Against Illegal Immigration on Washington DC
On April 19th 2008 the National Socialist Movement and other Patriotic Americans intend to lead a march and protest against the illegal invasion of America to our Nations Capitol.
We march on Washington DC to send a message to the crooked Politicians of both the corrupt Democratic and Republican Parties. Our message is listen to the citizens of this Nation who elected you, listen to them and close the Borders or you will be replaced! We as Americans demand that our Nations Borders are closed, and that an America First Policy is enacted.
We are calling out to all proud Americans to join us in this mass protest. The system cannot ignore hundreds of angry citizens marching on the Nations Capitol. Stand with us as we confront those who wish to turn our Nation into a third world melting pot!
In 2008 the Immigration issue will be at the forefront. Anyone with eyes and ears can bear witness to the changing face of our Nation. This will be the opportunity of a lifetime for Pro-White and Pro-American activists to make themselves heard. No excuses, no half measures, simply put BE THERE!
All side issues, disagreements, and other matters will be cast aside on April 19th. All are invited to this Historical event. All groups, Political Parties, etc. that wish to endorse or participate are welcome and will be considered as speakers should they wish to participate. A Historical endeavor of this proportion has not been tackled by the "so-called" Far Right here in America in many years. Our counterparts in Europe put hundreds and often thousands of Patriots into the streets to demonstrate for their rights, and make their voices heard. On April 19th, 2008 it is our time. Do not let opportunity this pass you by, see you in Washington DC on April 19th.
Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
National Socialist Movement
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