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NSM Staff Fwd: WD Site Web Request
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From: james schaffe <>
Date: Mar 23, 2008 11:55 AM
Subject: WD Site Web Request
my name is james. i live in toledo ohio.In 2005 the neo nazies came to toledo, when they came it was hectic and all of the niggers went wild it was crazy. well now all of the niggers are acting worse i think they should come back to toledo and bring as many people as possible to get them dirty muther fuckers mad. and all of these porch monkeys keep going out with white girls when i walk down the street and see a white girl even next to a dirty nigger i just want to walk up and stab the muther fucker right in the neck but i cant becuas there will be major consiquences. and me and my cussins make nigger jokes all the time for instence how do u keep a nigger from drowning??? take your foot off his head. but anyways my school is full of niggers and i cant stand seeing them in the same room with me and they all fucking stink!!!! If u could please pleas please ask some one of high rank to have nazi soldiers come to toledo ohio agin. i get down on my knees and beg of you to do me this one favor.
thank you
you fellow nigger hater
james schaffer
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Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
National Socialist Movement
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