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NSM fields Candidate Brian Holland for U.S. President
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: NSM fields Candidate Brian Holland for President
The National Socialist Movement, the nation's largest White Rights organization, was in full force this past weekend in Washington, DC. On the lawn of the United States Capitol Building, a new step was taken in advancing the cause that the NSM has fought for since 1974. Brian Holland, an NSM member and 20 year veteran of the White Rights Movement, announced that he had accepted the Party's nomination for President of the United States.
Holland, an award winning former journalist, 17 year veteran radio talk show host, television producer, and longtime supporter of the Movement, announced briefly that he would be seeking the Presidency. In a brief interview after the NSM's National Rally, Holland explained the cornerstones of his candidacy:
"This nation and this world needs leadership that is prepared to face the real issues, the real problems. The United States needs to see it's interest rates dropped and held at a reasonable rate. We need to make it possible for those that need to be provided for are indeed provided for. We need to guarantee this nation's freedoms, regardless of your stand or your beliefs, we need to guarantee that you have the right to express it peacefully. This nation needs to develop a real plan to end the quagmire in Iraq, and to bring our brave men and women home from battle. Taxation needs to be overhauled, and we need to follow the examples of the former Soviet Bloc nations who have implemented a flat tax for all citizens. Those former Easter Bloc nations are now flourishing because of their fair and equal taxation system. Our borders need to be protected at all costs. Borders, language, and culture needs to be the backbone of our efforts. Crime has to be met face to face, and stopped at all costs. Illegal aliens need to be returned to their homelands. One out of every three inmates in our Federal Prison System is an illegal alien, they are not our responsibility. America is not the world's police force, and I will not allow it to be. We are not at the disposal of every third world nation that needs us to bail them out, then when the work is done, they return to their America hating ways. No more. Education, real education, must be returned to the people. The protection of the American family. These are the things that haunt me, and the reasons that I have proudly accepted my Party's nomination for the Presidency of the United States of America. With the efforts of Commander Schoep and the help of our supporters worldwide, these goals can be met. It is important to remember, this is not about hate, it is not about the blame game, it is about preservation, heritage, culture, it is indeed about the future."
The campaign will begin full swing in May, with Holland visiting supporters in Arizona, Florida, and Oregon. Future campaign information will be provided on the soon to be published official website.
Brain Holland for President: --
Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
National Socialist Movement
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