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Holland for President: Press Release

Official Press Release

Brian Holland for President
American Patriots for Brian Holland

May 9, 2008

Eric L Nelson, Spokesperson for the Holland campaign and American Patriots for Brian Holland, issued this statement earlier today on behalf of Brian Holland, candidate for President of the United States.

"This is a statement that Brian made personally, and wanted released today" Nelson stated. "This is a situation which we have urged him to address and despite his feelings that it should be ignored and treated for what it is, he has finally agreed to speak on the subject. These are Brian's words, written by him, from his heart, and he has said that this will be the first and only time that this subject will be discussed, inside the campaign or outside."

From the desk of Brian N Holland:

"My friends, supporters, comrades, and fellow fighters in the struggle, I have been fighting this since we began this campaign, but I have finally seen that I need to speak. This will be the only time that I ever address this situation, as I feel that it is a negative, and only hurts our Movement as a whole. When I first joined the NSM some two years ago, I expressed an interest in seeking political office, as I have a strong campaign background as well as a professional background that I feel would make me a viable candidate. Some time later, when I was told by Commander Schoep that another member was going to be running a presidential campaign, I endorsed it fully, and did my duty to support the effort. I saw the candidate not only as a representative of the NSM, but also the only representative of the White race willing to step up and take on the daunting task of a national campaign. It was my duty to support that effort, as any good White man would do.
When the unfortunate situation occurred later that saw John Taylor Bowles and the NSM part company, I was torn over the campaign situation. Despite the fact that he was no longer affiliated with the NSM, he was still the only pro White candidate making an effort. I wanted, in my heart, to believe that any candidate was better than no candidate, and often times, that is the case. I contemplated endorsing Taylor personally, I considered working with him on the campaign, for the purpose of advancing the Movement as a whole. It was a decision that weighed heavily on me for quite some time.
I spoke with Nick Chappell, who I considered a friend in the Struggle, and I suppose I still do, I don't harbor any ill will toward Nick or Taylor. Nick and I spoke probably 30 times via emails, exchanged phone numbers, etc. Nick, in my estimation, is a capable young man, and I believe that he has a good future in the Movement. I certainly wish him well, as I do Taylor, in all of his endeavors.
When the NSM held their annual Nationals in Washington, DC, I was still wrestling with the idea that the Movement needed a candidate, a candidate that would represent the Movement as a whole. There has never been a national candidate that outwardly supported our struggle, and I have long believed that this was the one key ingredient missing in our fight.
I speak quite often with many, many members of the NSM and of other organizations around the world. As most of you know, my position within the NSM keeps me in constant contact with those in leadership positions. Many times I was asked why I did not run a campaign of my own and represent the NSM nationally. Many times I smiled and declined, saying that I wasn't the one.
Sitting at the banquet that Friday night at NSM's National Meeting, I listened intently to the speakers. No one from the NSM's leadership that spoke that night had a bad thing to say about anyone that had parted ways with the organization. No names were mentioned, no phone numbers given out, no home addresses distributed. The speakers spoke of unity, progress, and moving on despite having some rough times. It was sitting there that night, listening to people who spoke from the heart, that I knew what my decision had to be.
The next day I informed Commander Schoep, Jeff, if I may, of my decision. I will speak of him in this context as Jeff because in this situation, he is my friend first, my leader second. I told Jeff that I was willing to take on the task of representing the NSM and the Movement nationally. Despite the backbiting and rudimentary character attacks going on, Jeff did not orchestrate my candidacy to "get even" with Taylor, or to "split the White vote". Jeff Schoep was shocked when I told him that I would do it, but, because he knows what's in my heart, he knew that I meant it.
You see, let me say this. Yes, I am endorsed by the NSM, and yes, I am an NSM member. However, just as my friend Jeff believes in his heart, this candidacy, this struggle, this Movement, is not solely about the NSM. It is about the future, it is about survival, it is about America. I serve my heart, I serve my Cause, and Jeff knew when he accepted my offer that I would run this campaign in a way that would benefit as many true believers as possible.
If anyone has read my email that was sent out to over 100 pro White organizations, you know that I am offering my campaign's resources to all groups that believe as we believe. The door is open, you don't have to be an NSM member to support this effort. You don't have to be the NSM to benefit from this. This campaign is about what the Movement can get out of it, not what I can get or what my Party can get.
The Brian Holland for President Campaign is a real presidential campaign, registered with the Federal Elections Commission, and my name will appear on the ballot on November 4, in ten to fifteen states. I am not a write in candidate, nor am I delusional enough to think that I can become President of the United States in 2008. Granted, it would prove entertaining, but I just don't think it's in the cards.
I've been accused of "splitting the White vote" by Taylor and some other folks. Let me address that briefly. Number one, I'm going to be on actual ballots, I will be the ONLY pro White candidate to appear on said ballots. So, no, I am not splitting the vote. On the contrary, anyone who runs a non ballotted campaign would be splitting the vote in that case. Thanks to my years as a mainstream talk radio host, an award winning journalist, and a professional campaign consultant, I exercised my contacts and have actual state organizations in place at this time. We are running this campaign just like any other viable candidate would be running.
Now, as I said, I am not delusional nor am I certifiable. I do not believe for an instant that I can win on November 4. Why, then, am I running? Let me answer that briefly as well. I am running to deliver a message that good, hard working, White citizens may not otherwise hear. I am running to assist in the education of America, to assist in the recruitment of fresh blood into the Movement. Do I hope it benefits the NSM? Of course I do, but on the other hand, I hope it benefits us all.
I made the statement a few days ago that I still consider Taylor and Nick to be brothers. Now, that's probably contrary to what many of my colleagues would state. However, they are brothers to me, and they are doing what they think is right. I encourage that. If I had my way, there would be 100 of us running a national campaign. That would be 100 people spreading the word, providing education, and working to unite a Movement that needs to be united very desperately.
I expect the attacks to continue, I expect to be called an agent of evil, a tool of the establishment, whatever else you call someone when you have nothing better to say. However, keep in mind, the more I am attacked by my own people, the more the enemy knows that they have nothing to worry about. That is not the message that this campaign wants to project, and I would think that it's a message that no true, real pro White representative would want to project. I was told in an email shortly after my announcement that I would be treated like the enemy. That didn't upset me, it saddened me. I have no White enemies within the Movement. We may all be travelling on different paths, but hopefully, we all have the same destination. I will not conduct negative attacks against my White brothers, I whole heartedly refuse.
In closing, I have used the word "unity" quite a bit, and it is a theme of this campaign. And I believe in my heart that this Movement, once a force of tens of thousands of Americans, can once again be united to a strong political force. Just as we filled Madison Square Garden with twenty thousand members in the 1920's, I believe with all of my being that we can attain that force again. In saying this, I will tell you now, when my Vice Presidential running mate is announced, it will be someone from outside of the NSM, someone that will carry the banner of our struggle proudly and gallantly, someone who is not a part of the ego game. I will chose wisely, and I hope that together, this campaign and all of White America can move on.
Thank you, and I look forward to your continued support."

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