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Bil yet another staff mail Fwd: 88

Lots of requests for info. please answer. 88  p.s. We are growing!  p.s.s. Joanna said to tell you she got an A - on that Mythology report, thanks for helping out.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: victor franchett <>
Date: May 23, 2008 12:53 PM
Subject: 88


Dear Commander Jeff Schoep,


Hello, my name I Victor Franchetti, I am a 30 year old proud white (half Italian and Welsh) man living in California and I stumbled upon your website while I was doing some reading on the internet. I work in the Diamond and Debt industry and these industries are filled with the Jewish and other immigrants that make it very hard to get and make money, it is like they are out there to make money and make sure that I don't. I have just started to reach out to other people like me that are tired of the BS and that want to get together and make things better for us and our children. I am very impressed by your website and movement, I am new to this whole thing and I am just fed up with the way that this country is moving and how it is dominated by groups trying to make it hard for me to give my kids the life that we deserve. I think that I have ways that I could help the movement and feel good about what I am doing. I would be grateful if you could contact me and maybe we could discuss over email or phone the ways I can help and the movement in general.


Thank you


Victor Franchetti


Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."  
National Socialist Movement

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