WikiLeaks: US National Socialist Movement private emails until 15 Aug 2009 mail archive

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Re: Thanks little Brother!

Danke Mein Herr,
I look foward to the day when I can be considered a brother in the National Socialist movement.  Let me know if there is anything I can do to help in the movement as a youth without being a formal part of the organization.  How do you find the best way to change those who are brainwashed by the Jewish Swinehunds and the other inhumans that are out there.  My parents are among these.  I am constantly telling them my views but they wont listen.  Also, is being a Christain a bad thing for a National Socialist to be?  Thank you very very much for all the hard work of the organization.  I look foward to working with you all in the future.
Seig Heil
Heil Hitler,
Bryan Cash

William Herring <> wrote:
So glad when we hear from the youth.. Your words show that you are aware of what needs to be done to save our race. When you turn 18, we would be proud to call you a comrade!
Stand tall! 88!

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