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Re: Relocating

SS Herring,
Missed you in Omaha. Ok, remind me a day or 2 before you go. I have been done for a few days and will forward you some more e-mails here in the next 48 hours, thank the Gods you can help answer some staff mail, I am slammed with work after being gone a few days.
Good luck with your move to MO. I am shocked this rumour about your girl has arisen again, that was put down a year or 2 ago, last I heard? I have not heard the rumour making the rounds again, and will put it down myself if I do hear it. Tell Angela to ignore the rumour mill, she has already squared that situation away in the eyes of the Party, unless someone has some proof, it is lies and bs, so tell her not to stress it. The Party is not concerned, and if we find the source if the rumour we will deal with it then. 88

On 7/7/08, William Herring <> wrote:
As of July 23, I will be moving to Springfield Missouri. It may take a week or two to get internet service hooked up there. Thought it would be a good idea to let you know so that emails are not being answered! Wish me luck Commander!
On another note- it seems that the retarded rumors of Angela's children not being white have resurfaced from an unknown party and she is terribly upset. She is unsure how to prove these allegations false except for photos of her babies- blonde hair and blue eyes...
Anyway, I will still be ready and able to handle any and all emails forwarded here until July 22nd.

It's a talkathon – but it's not just talk. Check out the i'm Talkathon.

Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."  
National Socialist Movement

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