Greetings Sir:
I came across your website and am SO excited to learn this group is so well organized and active still. I intend to join immediately and will recommend many of my employees to do so as well, as many share our same beliefs. I own a tugboat company in Duluth, MN and we have a fleet of 8 large harbor tugs for ship-docking and ice-breaking. I hire ONLY white Aryan males and females who share my same beliefs. I am entirely of German decent with my family tree papers showing the Nazi stamp. I will submit copies of these papers as part of the proof of racial purity with my membership application.
I have a couple quick questions before I join (I will get payment and application in the mail ASAP)...
1. You are requesting Passport photos... I can do this, BUT, is it used as proof of our race OR do we actually get a membership card with photo? If not, do we get any sort of membership card? I ask about the uniform to know how proper I should dress for in the image (such as my Nazi pin, etc).
2. Are uniforms provided only for officers of the group or can they be purchased through the group by any member? We would all LOVE to wear these to work, as tugboat crew members!
3. Is personal info / contact info such as email address, home address, and telephone number kept private from general membership?
and finally,
4. Are the membership lists and personal information kept private from dangerous government "spy" organizations?
I DO have AOL for email but I will check my spam file to see if your response got kicked into there. I am sorry but I have no other address to use. Feel free to call me anytime, if you prefer to answer that way.
Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to offering all I can in the future to aid this most important effort.
Franz Altman von Riedel
(218) 341-9242 cell
Duluth, Minnesota
Family formerly of Bosdorf, Germany, Darmstadt, Germany & Weimar, Germany, DDR