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SS Herring staff Fwd: No Time Left

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From: mary mana <>
Date: Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 5:07 PM
Subject: No Time Left

I am a Czech-German American. I am writing because I have seen the signs of Bolshevism creeping into the fabric of The United States for fifty years and know that it started before I was ejected onto the earth. To verify this observance of the ongoing purge of anything American all you have to do is read the communist manifesto , the news , the history of the years since WWI and Mein Kampf and you would recognize all of the symptoms of the horrendous plague that is about to befall our Country. There is no denying that what Nikita Kruschev said at the detestable United Nations in 1956 that The United States would be defeated by using it's own system of laws and institutions. Every time the Federal Courts rule on almost anything they rip up the Constitution a little more and we are to the point now where the Bolsheviks are almost totally exempt from any laws because for the most part the rule of law is over and we are now entering the phase of chaos wherein the International Communist law is being slipped into place masked as lawful Constitutional law but the law of a living constitution which makes it relative to interpretation by those who hold power when it is being interpreted especially when it is the Bolsheviks.
    It is time right now for white America to have representation in our government, something which we do not have presently. Neither Party represents White Americans. Both parties, the republicans and the democrats are both the same just like good old Gov. George Wallace said, " there aint a dimes worth of difference between the democrats and the republicans". It seems that every time white people stand up for their rights we are considered to be racist. Whit folk can do no right, we are EVIL. I think it is time to display to the world just how evil we can be.
    We must get out of the UN and we must get that whole sorry mess out of our country. We must get out of the world bank, the IMF, the  WTO and stop this CAFTA and NAFTA. We must get rid of the Federal Reserve Bank and imprison all of those crooks on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. We Must get rid of The Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers. We must also get rid of the homeland defense department.
    I am looking for an organization that will be effective and dynamic in pursuing its ideology and not just pay lip-service to its beliefs. The time for action is now and we hve not the luxury to play for time. The people of The United States must be made to face the ugly truth of what is about to befall them.
                                            Charles Mana 

Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."  
National Socialist Movement

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