Thank you! The month of July 2009 has proved to be a great success for our cyber campaigning operation! I am very grateful to all our subscribers - i.e you - whose generosity and determination allowed us to reach all our targets… and in several cases surpass those targets!
Here is a brief round-up of our success in the month of July 2009:
Recruited or upgraded approx 160 new Gold memberships
Recruited approx 220 new BNP memberships
Attracted hundreds of donations that helped consolidate our success in the recent Euro Elections
During August we will set even more ambitious targets and I know you will be there to help us reach these goals that are so important for the progress of our movement.
Now back to the political stuff: on Monday (3rd August) I will be publishing the first in a series of Chairman's Updates available exclusively to this email list.
Your continued participation in our online operation is crucial to the continued success of our Party - without you our capacity to campaign, raise funds and find new members would be severely curtailed!
My update on Monday will focus on the Party's position vis-à-vis that wretch Harriet Harman's attempt to criminalise this Party by forcing us to admit non-whites as members. Lest to say we will fight this all the way, but I won't spoil the surprise by giving advance details now of how we will react to Harman's fascist behaviour.
Once again thank you for giving so generously during the month of July. The Party is running low on funds at the moment because of several factors which are totally normal for a Party in our position coming off the back of a major victorious election campaign. But if you can help the Party in any way at all please click on the following link:
Click here to donate: https://secure.bnp.org.uk/donate/
Yours sincerely
Nick Griffin MEP
Chairman, BNP