WikiLeaks: US National Socialist Movement private emails until 15 Aug 2009 mail archive

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NSM on North Carolina tv news

NSM Regional meeting in the news, even when we ignored their interview request.
Video clip here also:

GPD: Neo-Nazi Organization To Meet in Greensboro

The National Socialist Movement will host a conference in Greensboro.

Greensboro -- The National Socialist Movement plans to host a regional conference in Greensboro on August 29, according to the Greensboro Police Department.

NSM members from 10 states are invited to the one-day event, according to the NSM website. The leader of the white civil rights group, Jeff Schoep, is also scheduled to attend. GPD plans to monitor the conference.

According to the NSM website, the organization's core beliefs include defending the rights of white people, preserving European culture and reforming illegal immigration policies. The website also states that members believe America was founded by and for white people, all people are not created equal and the white race is in danger of dying out.

The upcoming conference will include a training session, meet and greet and entertainment, according to the NSM website. The name of the hotel was not disclosed.

In a statement posted on the NSM website, Jeff Schoep condemns the use of violence or terrorism by organization members. GPD plans to dedicate three to four officers to the event.

"We've only known for a very short time that it was going to be here at all," said Janice Rogers with GPD. "We will remain unbiased and protect all parties that come to this city and protest or have some type of meeting."

Stay with WFMY News 2 and for the very latest on this developing story.


Copyright: 2009

Commander Jeff Schoep
"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."  
National Socialist Movement

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