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Wikileaks: Venezuelan ambassador Freddy Balzan emails 2005-2008

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  • To: "jruiz" <>
  • Subject: Mensaje del Centro Memorial Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • From: Pedro Martínez Pírez <>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 09:46:31 -0400
  • Cc: "Julio" <>


   Celebrating 20 years of work is really worthy to be shared with close friends, those who are always present even though they may be away. We need to express to you how much we love you and have remembered you all during the last few days in which we have made the necessary recalling that is in order during anniversaries.
   There are many ways of participating. We wish you could have been here, giving us that sincere hug that we have enjoyed at other times; but given the distance, this time you will be present in our hearts. We assure you that there is no other more comfortable place than that one. There, our hopes, our struggles, the feelings of solidarity and justice are nested, which convene us on a daily basis to work for the sake of peace. It is a special place reserved only for people like you.
   Next April 21st, we will be at the Episcopal Cathedral in the Thanksgiving Worship Service, on April 25th, at the Amadeo Roldán Theater. We have convened for the main rally. On the 26th, we will be celebrating with the extended family made up of collaborators from different parts of our country and, from the 27th through the 31st; we will hold the event on Emancipating Paradigms that will bring this celebration time to an end.

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